
Smart pillow developed with the assistance of Sydney Spine Institute clinicians among top 25 ideas in MIT Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Smart pillow developed with the assistance of Sydney Spine Institute clinicians among top 25 ideas in MIT Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

Faculty of Engineering and IT first-year PhD student Suri Susilo recently took part in the MIT Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, an intensive week-long new ventures leadership program attracting young entrepreneurs across the globe.

Suri was able to thrive in the program and her business idea – a “smart” pillow system to optimise spine neutrality – was chosen as one of the top 25 ideas, securing her a coveted spot as ‘CEO’ in the program. Suri has been developing her product with clinical assistance from the Sydney Spine Institute.

With real-world experience and a new start-up company under her belt, she is now progressing her smart pillow concept through a PhD, also in biomedical engineering.

Read the full story here!

Biomedical Engineering Innovations II

Biomed students with SSI clinicians at Biomed Innovations 2015

