
2016 Biomedical Engineering Innovations

2016 Biomedical Engineering Innovations

Sydney University Biomedical Engineering Students showcase their research at the Sydney Spine Institute on Wednesday 14 December 2016. The students are working on clinical problems such as novel ways to monitor brain pressure, regenerative spinal discs and rapid manufacturing of custom built body implants.

Biomedical PhD and Honours students under the supervision of Dr Philip Boughton, biomedical engineering program manager and lecturer at Sydney University, collaborate with neurosurgeon A/Prof. James van Gelder to identify real world clinical problems and solutions. The students’ research involves use of laboratory methods, manufacturing techniques and mathematical modelling.  This collaboration allows direct application of biomedical innovations to clinical neurosurgery.

To download the invitation, please click here: 2016-biomed-innovations.


Biomedical Engineering Innovations II

Biomedical Engineering Innovations II

Sydney University Biomedical Engineering students presented their research at the Sydney Spine Institute on Tuesday 8 December 2015. The students are working on clinical problems such as novel ways to monitor brain pressure, regenerative spinal discs and rapid manufacturing of custom built body implants.

Biomedical PhD and Honours students under the supervision of Dr Philip Boughton, biomedical engineering program manager and lecturer at Sydney University, collaborate with neurosurgeon Associate Professor James van Gelder and physiotherapist Tamer Sabet to identify real world clinical problems and solutions. The students’ research involves use of laboratory methods, manufacturing techniques and mathematical modelling.  This collaboration allows direct application of biomedical innovations to clinical neurosurgery.

Biomed Innovations II Invitation

Biomed Innovations II Invitation



Novel technique for cranioplasty implants – a collaboration of Sydney University biomed team with A/Prof. James van Gelder

A biomedical engineering team based at the University of Sydney has developed a new low cost method for producing bone replacement implants for severely damaged skulls.

The group worked with a A/Prof. James van Gelder (lead neurosurgeon at Concord & Liverpool Hospital) to create a new 3D printing technique that enables clinicians to produce a patient-specific implant in a matter of days rather than several weeks.

Dr Philip Boughton head Faculty of Engineering’s cutting edge Implant Design and Manufacture laboratory and supervisor of the project says:

“Serious head trauma can lead to significant loss of skull bone. The current procedure requires a surgeon to stretch and stitch excess skin around the wound and wait until a suitable implant can be produced. Our new rapid templating method makes it possible to generate patient-matched, safe, sterile cranioplasty implants using polymer based bone cement within days of receiving a patient scans.”

The rapid templating craniosplasty technique is not only faster but also significantly cheaper than current methods used to match a patient’s anatomy says Annabelle Chan, PhD researcher on the project.

“Cranioplasty implants widely used to reconstruct smashed bone include titanium meshes and 3D printed parts or bone cement moulded by hand. They can cost as much as five thousand dollars.”

“Existing 3D printed implants are weaker; they are also associated with a higher risk for contamination that can lead to infection or inflammation,” states Dr van Gelder.

“I was particularly interested in working with biomedical engineers to create implants for individual patients. Implants that could be customised based on radiology and my specific requirements for the patient. Anatomical matching of patient’s skull bone is important for improving a patient’s quality of life post-operation” says Dr van Gelder.

“With this new technique we are able to create a sterile template of the patients damaged region, then in a sterile environment apply bio-compatible polymer bone cement to that patient’s specific template to produce their personalised implant.”

The pioneering technique has successfully been used on several patients.

Coverage of the story by ABC here.



Biomedical Engineering Innovations

Biomedical Engineering Innovations

A series of innovation projects were presented from senior students from the Department of Biomedical Engineering (University of Sydney) on Wednesday 10 December at the last Sydney Spine Institute Meeting for 2014.

The projects were co-supervised by Dr Philip Boughton (A/Lecturer & Program Manager, Biomedical Engineering, University of Sydney)  and A/Prof. James van Gelder (Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon).

Here is a list of projects presented:

  • A Neurosurgical aid (Biomed design team)
  • Patient specific implant templating (David/Jeremy)
  • A novel anatomic fusion cage & biomaterial solution (Alex)
  • A Non-invasive ICP monitoring system (Brendan/Corinne/Cary)
  • A novel volume-controlled shunt system (Amanda)
  • A Frozen Shoulder treatment (Mouna) co-supervised by Mr Tamer Saber (Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist)








Front line Management of Back Pain: a workshop for GPs

Front line Management of Back Pain: a workshop for GPs

On July 30, 2014 Sydney Spine Institute held its annual educational workshop for GPs at the Library and Community Hub, Burwood.

The topic of the workshop was “Front line Management of Back Pain”.


1. Aetiology of degenerative lower back pain by Dr Christella Mylordi

2. Red Flags in Lower Back Pain by A/Prof. Kathir Nadanachandran

3. Physical Examination of the Spine by Tamer Sabet

4. Pharmacological approaches: managing opiates  by Dr Henry Lam

5. The role for Surgery in Chronic Lower Back Pain by Dr Raoul Pope

6. Spinal Interventions: overview of effectiveness by A/Prof. James van Gelder

7. Cognitive function approaches by Tamer Sabet

8. NSW Workers Comp: policy update by Dr Steven Ng

